Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School

School advertising is a sea of sameness; smiling blazer-clad student, self-important line, insert crest

Working with the researcher, we discovered the hazy image of this lesser-known school was for shy girls; a bit sheltered; this didn’t reflect the reality

Developed the strategy and line, Our Girls Speak for Themselves, the basis of a predominantly content driven campaign that demonstrated the students’ confidence by having them talk about their experiences at Ivanhoe Girls’.

Featuring a series of videos, the campaign was launched using geo-targeting on FaceBook and achieved 12,000 view in less than 3 weeks. A particularly efficient and effective medium as the audience is self-selecting


Click to see one of the eight videos of girls speaking for themselves.

(Please excuse the click through – but it’s necessary because they are kids.)


Sue’s approach is highly collaborative and focused on
delivering creative solutions that deliver results

Sue Clohesy – Category Marketing Manager – Office Papers, Australian Paper